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General Contractors can Help Clients Reduce Water Consumption
Published July 31st, 2012

If you are a Utah general contractor that specializes in landscaping, you may encounter clients interested in reducing water consumption.  This will help them use less water but still have beautiful lawns and gardens to enjoy during the summer.

Irrigation systems are one way that general contractors can help clients reduce water consumption. While watering by hand may seem like it controls water usage better, there are ways that sprinkler systems can use less water when used properly.

First, it is important to make sure that the sprinklers are located in areas that cover the most yard without watering the driveway or walkways. This makes sure that the water isn’t wasted and more water can soak flower and grass root systems.

Setting irrigation systems to run on a timer is another way to help save way. By setting the timer to run early in the morning, the water has a better chance of being effective. This will help it penetrate the root system before it evaporates. Clients can use this method to water their lawns several times a week and be more effective than other systems that run every day during the hottest part of the day.

Another way to help clients reduce water consumption is to use careful consideration when landscaping a property. Use grasses, plants and media that need less water, or make better use of the water it receives. This will allow clients to use less water irrigating their lawns and help save this valuable resource.

Many neighborhoods and counties are creating new legislation regarding the use of water for non-essential activities, such as watering the lawn. During droughts, many cities and towns place a ban on watering lawns and reduce consumer water consumption. Using proper irrigation methods and helping create landscapes that reduce water consumption will help you help your clients get a head start on reducing their water usage and protecting the environment.


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